Sanu On Wednesday, December 29, 2010

APARTHEID Policy of racial segregation practiced by the South African Government.
ADJOURNMENTA motion moved by a member of a legislature to adjourn consideration of the issues in hand for discussing a matter of urgent public importance.
AMNESTYGrant of pardon or exemption from prosecution to political importance.
ARMISTICETemporary cessation of hostilities pending formal negotiations for peace.
APPEASEMENTThe policy of gratifying one's enemy with concession and special grants by sacrificing even principles.
AUTONOMYPower to control internal affairs.
BILATERAL AGREEMENTAn agreement between two countries.
BLOCKADESImposing closure of ports and waterways to prevent ships from reaching or leaving it.
BOLSHEVISMThe doctrine of Proletarian Dictatorship as propounded by Lenin.
BOURGEOISECapitalist class in Marxian terminology.
BUFFER STATEA small neutral state between two big states.
BY-ELECTIONA mid term election to fill a seat rendered vacant.
CASTING VOTEA vote casting of which decides the tie.
CAUCUSA powerful group of party.
CHARGED AFFAIRSThe senior most diplomat after the head of the mission, officiating in his absence.
COALITIONCombination of two or more parties with the purpose of forming a composite government.
CONFEDERATIONAlliance of nations for some specific purpose our retaining the respective individual nation sovereignty.
COLD WARThe state of ideological or wordy warfare between two countries or blocks.
ENVOYA diplomatic emissary accredited to the country and holding position below that of an ambassador.
FIFTH COLUMNAn anti-national clique of spies and saboteurs.
FLOOR CROSSINGThe act of changing political loyalty by a person or a group.
FRANCHISERight to cast vote in the public elections.
GALLUP POLLAn opinion poll-may be with the help of interview.
GENOCIDEIntention to destroy wholly or in part a religious, ethnic or political group.
GHERAOEncircling a person and rending him incapable of doing anything till he/she concedes demands.
GLOSNOSTMeans openness. Term used for reforms introduced in Russian society by M.Gorbachov.
HABEAS CORPUSA type of a writ issued by a High Court or Supreme court against illegal detention of a person.
HOT LINEA direct telephone link between the White House and Kremlin established in 1963.
IMPEACHMENTTrial by the Parliament.
LOBBYINGExercising influence or pressure on members of the legislative bodies in the lobby for supporting or opposing an issue in the House.
LOK PALAn official appointed by the President to investigate public complaints against ministers and high officials.
MANIFESTOA declaration of political party about its policies and programmes given at the time of elections.
NATIONALISATION The act of taking business undertakings an institutions by the state and controlling them.
NAXALITEA movement violent in character believing in Maoism: the term was first used for the peasants of Naxalbari (West Bengal) who rose against the landlords demanding land for the landless.
NEW DEALThe name given to the policy of Franklin D.Roosevelt to revive and boost American economy .
ORDINANCEAn Act or decree promulgated by the Head of State in an emergency or when the legislative body is not in session.
PERESTROIKAUsed for Gorbachov's move to restructure political and economical structure of the Russian society.
PLEBISCITEVoting on regional or national issue.
PERSONALITY CULTToo much adulation for a ruler or a political figure.
PRIVY PURSEYearly allowances granted to the princes of Indian states after the merger of their states with the Indian Union. (New these purses are abolished).
PRIVILEGE MOTIONA motion moved by a legislator drawing attention of the House towards a matter involving breach of privilege of the House or any of its members.
REFERENDUMPeople's verdict on some constitutional amendment and some other legislative issue of controversial nature.
SECULARISMAffirmation in all the faiths, showing no official patronage to any religions or religions.
SANCTIONSPenalty or reward imposed for disobedience or obedience attached to the law.
SOCIALISMControl of production and means of distribution in the hands of the State.
STATUTELaw made by the Parliament, enshrined in the statue book, which are binding on al subjects, of a particular country.
SUFFRAGERight of voting in political elections.
SELF-DETERMINATIONRight of a nation deciding its own form of government, its political destiny or independence.
TERRITORIAL WATERSAreas of the sea up to 12 km measured from the low water mark of the coast and within the executive control of an adjacent State.
UNICAMERALA legislature having only one House.
VETORight to reject any resolution or enactment passed by the legislature.